

Our policies and procedures lay down comprehensive guidelines to help with the smooth running of Barfield School.

Their existence is aimed at assisting both parents/carers and staff, in fulfilling our aims and remaining within the boundaries of all relevant legislation. These policies have been drawn up in accordance with DfE guidelines and recommendations.  

Below is a selection of the School Polices.  Copies can be requested from the School Office:

Admissions Policy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Attendance Policy
Anti Bullying Policy
Behaviour Policy
Bursary Policy
Complaints Procedure
Curriculum Policy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Digital Learning Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy & Accessibility Policy
Exclusions Policy
First Aid Policy
Health & Safety Policy
Recruitment, Selection & Disclosures Policy                                                                                                                                                                                                            Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Safeguarding Policy
School Illness Policy
School Meals Policy
Staff Code of Conduct
Teaching & Learning Support Department Policy

Nursery Staff:

EYFS Access to Information Policy
EYFS Behaviour Policy
EYFS Biting Policy
EYFS Health & Safety & Outings Policy
EYFS Illness Policy
EYFS Key Person Policy
EYFS Policy    
EYFS Settling in Policy
EYFS Student Placement Policy
EYFS Supervision of Children & Conduct Policy
EYFS Supervision of Staff Policy
EYFS Toileting and Nappy Changing Policy

Safeguarding, Admissions and Complaints policies can be found by clicking on the links above. A hard copy of all policies can be requested from the School Office.