Looking After A Pet

Owls have had an extremely busy week, learning how to 'Look After a Pet'.
They started the week off, down in The Cookhouse baking dog biscuits for some of our furry visitors. The children were then visited by dogs, guinea pigs, a hamster and a tortoise over the course of the week and were intrigued to find out how you looked after them all. Owls K had great fun helping to clean out Dobby the hamster's cage, putting in fresh sawdust and exploring the different toys he has in his cage to keep him active. The Owls brushed Mavis the golden retriever and had cuddles with guinea pigs Batman and Nibbles and Harvey the tortoise! A big thank you from the Owls to Heather Carter and the Cathcart & Winn team and Rachel Power for bringing in such a variety of pets.